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Making Aquarium Care Effortless

Stay on top of essential tasks with our streamlined tracking system. Monitor water parameters, track feeding schedules, and log maintenance activities with just a few taps.

Get ready to dive into the future of aquarium maintenance! We are putting the final touches and will be launching soon. Be the first to know about our exciting launch by subscribing below.

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Setting Up a New Tank?

 Setting up your new fish tank is a delicate process, especially when it comes to the nitrogen cycle. Aqua Track Pro makes it easy. We help you monitor water levels and remind you when it's time for maintenance. Let's keep your tank happy and healthy together!


The Nitrogen Cycle

Ammonia Buildup

The nitrogen cycle begins when fish produce waste (ammonia) and leftover food decomposes, releasing ammonia into the water


Beneficial bacteria called Nitrosomonas start to colonize the tank. They convert ammonia into nitrite, a less harmful compound..



Nitrite levels start to rise as the bacteria convert ammonia. Nitrite is still harmful to fish but less toxic than ammonia. Another type of beneficial bacteria, Nitrobacter, begins to grow in the tank. They convert nitrite into nitrate, which is much less harmful to fish.




As the nitrogen cycle progresses, nitrate levels increase. Nitrate is less toxic than ammonia and nitrite, but high levels can still be harmful to fish if not controlled through regular water changes or by using live plants.

Ready to Dive In?

Exciting news for aquarium enthusiasts! Aqua Track Pro will soon be available on the App Store for iOS devices and accessible online for desktop users.


Whether you're on the go or prefer to manage your aquarium maintenance from the comfort of your home, Aqua Track Pro has you covered.


Our dedicated team is working tirelessly to bring you the best aquarium maintenance tracking experience across all platforms.

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